Krebsheilung durch Cannabis

Wie Sharon Kelly in ihrem Video erzählt und an Hand von ärztlichen Belegen und Röntgenaufnahmen zeigt, hatte sie Lungenkrebs Stadium IV und hat dies mit Cannabis Öl geheilt.

Man hatte den Lungenkrebs im Januar ´14 diagnostiziert und ihr noch eine Lebenszeit von 6 Monaten gegeben, das Video ist Ende 2014 entstanden.

Genaue Informationen gibt es auch noch auf dieser Seite:

Wie Cannabis-Öl Krebs tötet

Cannabis Öl heilt Lungenkrebs und Tumor im Gehirn

Über Cannabis-Öl Behandlung bei Leberkrebs

What is Cannabis Oil?

Cannabis oil is a thick, sticky, resinous substance made up of high concentration of cannabinoids, such as THC and CBD, extracted from the cannabis plant (Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica). Cannabis oil is a cannabis based product  obtained by separating the resins from cannabis flowers using a solvent extraction process. Cannabis oil can also be known as marijuana oil, weed oil, pot oil, Rick Simpson Oil (RSO), Full extract cannbais oil (FECO), honey oil, hash oil, dabs, shatter, or wax.  

Cannabis oil is the most potent of three main cannabis products, which are the actual cannabis flower (marijuana), resin (hashish), and oil (cannabis oil). Cannabis oil is the most concentrated form of the three main cannabis products. That is what makes cannabis oil the most potent.

Cannabis Oil produced and sold by "dealers" can have many contaminants and lots of times have little or no THC in them. Most of the time cannabis oil available on the street should be avoided for medicinal uses such as treating cancer. It's always better to make your own oil or to have someone you trust make your oil. This helps assure a very pure, high quality oil is obtained. If you know who made your oil, you can better know what your getting in your oil.

High quality cannabis oil can be used in many ways medicinally and can be used for many different conditions. Cannabis Oil can 
be orally ingested, vaporized into the lungs, used as a suppository or applied topically. You can also mix your oil with creams or salves for beauty treatments and other external uses. 

Some of the conditions cannabis oil has been used for include: 
cancer, diabetes, crohn's disease, gout, pain relief, Glaucoma, Opioid Dependence, treating alcohol abuse, epilepsy, psoriasis, anorexia, asthma, adrenal disease, inflammatory bowel disease, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, pain, migraines, Dravet syndrome, Doose syndrome, Multiple sclerosis. 

Cannabis oil also posses 
antioxidant properties. This property makes cannabis oil useful in the treatment and prevention of wide variety of diseases, such as ischemic, age-related inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. Cannabis oil may also have a use as neuroprotectants for such things like limiting neurological damage following a stroke or head trauma. It can also be used in the treatment of neuroprotectants diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and HIV dementia.  

Based on history cannabis is believed to have originated from
Central Asia. Cannabis is one of the oldest plant medicines known to man. It is difficult to trace the beginnings of cannabis use use by humans because it was cultivated and consumed long before the appearance of writing. According to archeological discoveries, cannabis has been known in China since around 4000-6000 BC.
-Lincoln Horsley

Creator of cure.your.own.cancer

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How To Make Your Own Cannabis Oil

Cannabis Oil

By: Lincoln Horsley

If you are trying to make your own cannabis oil (marijuana oil, weed oil, pot oil, hash oil, Rick Simpson Oil, RSO) and you are not sure if you are doing it correctly this page will help you. Below there are 2 types of instructions on making cannabis oil. First are instructional videos as well as written instructions that will show you how to produce your own cannabis oil with supplies found in the home. This is a very simple and inexpensive way to create make your cannabis oil.

The second set of instructions below show you how to make cannabis oil using the new
Magical Butter Maker. The magical butter maker makes it very easy for anyone to make cannabis oil. Now you can get your Magical Butter Maker in our store by clicking HERE.

We have also provided pictures of cannabis oil during the steps of production 
(click for more pictures). That way you can see exactly what your oil should look like during each step of the process. If you follow the instructions given here you will be able to produce your own cannabis oil that can be used to treat cancer and many other illnesses.

For your convenience we are now offering in our online store
empty oral syringes and empty pill capsules for you to use with your cannabis oil. Empty oral syringes are a great way for you to store or transport your finished cannabis oil discreetly. And some people find it easier to put their oil in empty pill capsules to take it in pill form.  Good luck and God Bless - See more at:

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